DESIRE Internationalisation Strategy: The UK & UAE digital health markets

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You are interested in capturing the UK and UAE digital health markets? Join us for our first info webinar on October 10, 2023!

The DESIRE Internationalisation Strategy

By jointly and individually organising interactive as well as informative webinars on market access & entry, intercultural communication, specific health regulations/standards etc., the DESIRE project partners intend to help businesses, especially SMEs, to improve their competitiveness and maximize their presence in the selected third country markets. Additionally, European companies should benefit from individual consultation services provided by the project partners where they share their lessons learned and give recommendation based on their experience, thereby considering the specificities of the selected target countries. Lastly, the organised fact-finding missions to the UK and UAE should enable European companies to either gain a foothold in the aforementioned markets for the first time or to find new contacts/partners to work them in more depth.

Get first insights into the two thriving third country markets when it comes to e-health solutions: the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates

Our experts from the Advantage Austria offices in London and Abu Dhabi will inform you during this webinar about the latest trends and current business opportunities in the e-health and digital health sectors of UK & UAE. Afterwards, you will have the chance for B2B networking.

Get to know our experts:

“The United Kingdom has a very active digital health market, which is valued at over GBP 5 billion. According to the venture capital fund Speedinvest, the UK has also the highest number of digital health startups in Europe and has attracted the most investment in the region over recent years. The biggest buyer of digital healthcare & IT solutions is the UK National Health Service (NHS), with a focus on a variety of technologies ranging from telehealth solutions and digital diagnostic tools to complete digital health systems.”
“The e-Health market in the UAE presents a compelling opportunity due to its rapidly advancing healthcare infrastructure and strong government support for digital health initiatives. With a tech-savvy population and a commitment to innovation, the UAE offers a fertile ground for e-Health solutions and partnerships. Don't miss out on the potential for growth and impact in this dynamic market.”
